
Denise Thomas
B: 1962-02-16
D: 2025-03-24
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Thomas, Denise
Emanuel Gibson
B: 1933-03-27
D: 2025-03-22
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Gibson, Emanuel
Bishnu Bista
B: 1932-01-01
D: 2025-03-15
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Bista, Bishnu
Freddie Herner
B: 1963-05-01
D: 2025-03-14
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Herner, Freddie
Lula Robinson
B: 1935-04-07
D: 2025-03-10
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Robinson, Lula
Yvette Bryant
B: 1963-06-15
D: 2025-03-07
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Bryant, Yvette
Seetal Jogi
B: 2010-10-23
D: 2025-02-27
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Jogi, Seetal
Annette Fulton
B: 1957-05-16
D: 2025-02-26
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Fulton, Annette
April Marshall
B: 1965-04-05
D: 2025-02-23
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Marshall, April
Willie McMahan
B: 1939-04-30
D: 2025-02-19
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McMahan, Willie
Beverly Bell
B: 1954-12-20
D: 2025-02-17
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Bell, Beverly
Wanda McNeill-Harris
B: 1968-11-23
D: 2025-02-14
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McNeill-Harris, Wanda
Jonathan Matthews
B: 1978-08-13
D: 2025-02-13
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Matthews, Jonathan
Titus Davis
B: 1977-09-27
D: 2025-02-10
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Davis, Titus
Amy Kester
D: 2025-02-09
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Kester, Amy
Robert Prescott
B: 1976-09-29
D: 2025-02-09
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Prescott, Robert
Chain Singh
B: 1929-04-02
D: 2025-02-08
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Singh, Chain
Bertha Dukes
B: 1938-02-12
D: 2025-01-26
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Dukes, Bertha
Shavette Balkman-Williams
B: 1980-04-01
D: 2025-01-25
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Balkman-Williams, Shavette
Patricia Van Houten
B: 1969-11-12
D: 2025-01-24
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Van Houten, Patricia
Jennifer Coleman
B: 1975-12-19
D: 2025-01-23
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Coleman, Jennifer


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Rochester, NY 14611
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Why Choose Cremation?

It is common to ask ‘why choose cremation?’ after the loss of a loved one and it’s clear that people have their own personal reasons for choosing our cremation services. However there are some distinct benefits of cremation vs burial, including the cremation cost, that we have found through our many years of providing cremation services to the families of Rochester NY.

While there are many reasons someone might choose cremation over burial, there are many people that remain unsure when considering the benefits of cremation. To help people with their decision, we have created a list of the different benefits of choosing cremation.

The graph below depicts how the popularity in cremation has been on a steady rise in the United States over the past 50 years. In 2015, cremation rates were higher than burial for the first time. Also the forecast from the graph does not show the popularity in cremation slowing down. By 2035, it is predicted that more than 75% of Americans will choose cremation instead of burial. 
why choose cremation services in Rochester

We have noticed common benefits of cremation that have attributed to the above trend.

Benefits of Cremation

Why Do People Choose Cremation?

Cost of Cremation

One of the primary reasons that people choose cremation is because it is the most cost effective option. On average, the cost of cremation is approximately one-third of the cost of a traditional burial. The price of a casket also tends to be much higher than the price of an urn, and the availability of burial plots is becoming more limited, therefore the price of plots has gone up. For more information on our cremation prices, visit our General Price List page.

Environmental Concerns

Casketed remains take up cemetery space and can potentially result in water and/or land pollution. Burial services also frequently use harsh chemicals to embalm the remains for a funeral service. This leads to concerns that the chemicals can contaminate the environment. Cremation eliminates these pollution concerns through placing the deceased into an urn where it will not affect the earth.

While a crematory does release emissions, new equipment is constantly being developed to reduce the pollution and environmental impact that a crematory causes. Being an environmentally cautious option is one of the main benefits of cremation vs. burial.

Why choose cremation - Clouds

Cemetery Availability

If there is a cemetery within an area that is a popular or desirable place to be buried, it will eventually become fully occupied. More and more cemeteries are becoming full, and due to short supply of spaces the price on burial plots is increasing as a result. Cremation allows you to avoid the stress of finding a burial plot in a cemetery.

Greater Flexibility for Ceremonies

Another benefit of cremation is that it offers more untraditional, personalized ceremonies. It allows you the ability to hold a ceremony outside of a church or cemetery, meaning there is an opportunity for a memorial service, celebration of life, or an ash scattering ceremony. These services are generally held weeks or even months after the loss of your loved one and therefore, there is no time constraint to heal and plan a meaningful, personalized ceremony.

Furthermore, celebrations of life and memorial services do not operate on the common traditions and rituals that traditional funerals do. Celebrations of life and memorial services give you the flexibility to make the ceremony much more personal and unique. They can take place almost anywhere and can incorporate your loved one in any way you see fit. Cremation provides more options in terms of what you can do with your loved one’s ashes and how you choose to honor their life well lived.


One of the last benefits of cremation vs. burial is that cremation typically offers a much simpler process. When people choose to bury their loved one, they usually choose to have a traditional funeral service along with the burial. In this case, you need to coordinate with the cemetery, organize pallbearers, plan a visitation, and much more. While some people still choose to hold a traditional funeral along with a cremation, a celebration of life or memorial service are the types of ceremonies that are generally associated with a cremation. These ceremonies do not require as much planning in the days immediately following the death when your family is still reacting to the news. This is one of the many reasons why cremation is preferred by families in Rochester NY and surrounding areas.

A More Relaxed Stance from Religions

In past years, many religions strongly opposed cremation. However, many religions have adjusted their view on cremation and have taken a more relaxed stance on it. For example, in 2016 the Vatican issued new guidelines on cremation. It touched on Catholics believing the soul is immortal and that it does not rely upon the physical body. Therefore, since cremation only impacts the physical body, the Vatican does not have any doctrinal objections to cremation. If you do choose cremation though, the ashes should not be scattered; they should be stored in a scared place (Bryner, 2016). 

Our Rochester Cremation Services

If you feel that the benefits of cremation meet your needs or you have any questions about the cremation services that we offer, please do not hesitate to contact us today. We have the expertise it takes to make an educated decision as to why cremation may be best for your loved one. Our passion and dedication has helped many families in their time of need and we would be honored to assist your family.

Bryner, J. (2016). Vatican issues new cremation guidelines for ‘faithfully departed’. Retrieved from