It is not always possible to pay respects in person, so we hope that this small token will help.
Learn more about our funeral home and chapel services to help make planning decisions.
Offer a gift of comfort and beauty to a family suffering from loss.
Funeral Services
Here at Metropolitan Funeral Chapels, Inc., we're committed to providing families with the best and most affordable funeral home services and products.

We also offer a diverse range of personalized funeral service options.
If you would like to know more about how we bring personal attention to the funeral services we offer, please read more below or call us at (585) 436-7730.
View and learn more about our available funeral services in Rochester.
Burial Take a look at variety of burial services we offer at Metropolitan Funeral Chapels in Rochester, NY.
Our Cremation ServicesPlease take some time to see the cremation services we offer to families of Rochester and the surrounding area.
Memorial ServicesLearn about memorial services, why they are becoming a popular choice, and learn how to generate some ideas for your own memorial service.
A Celebration of LifeWhat is a celebration of life? Learn about celebrations of life, how they differ from funerals, and get some celebration of life ideas.
Specialty Funeral ServicesAs a full-service funeral home committed to offering area residents exclusive, specialized funeral services to choose from; we've spent a lot of time designing unique service offerings, many of which can be customized. Visit this section to explore the possibilities.