It is not always possible to pay respects in person, so we hope that this small token will help.
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We Help Memorialize & Commemorate the Life of Loved Ones
Family members often want to preserve the memory of their loved one in some manner that is more permanent than just a funeral ceremony or memorial service. Metropolitan Funeral Chapels can help you create something that is truly special, captures the personality of your loved one, and pays tribute to them in the manner they deserve. Below we have some great options that many of our families like to utilize.
Our Book of Memories – Online Memorials
Our Book of Memories is an online platform that hosts the memorials of those we have cared for. It goes beyond just providing the obituary of the deceased. The Book of Memories is an interactive platform that allows individuals to leave condolences, share videos and photos, send flowers to the family, light commemorative candles, and even make donations in the name of the deceased or to a cause special to the deceased. It truly allows people the opportunity to connect and grieve together from wherever and whenever. It is a permanent testament that will comfort you and help look back at all the great memories you shared with your love one.
Take a look at some of the memorials that exist in our Book of Memories to get an idea of what features are available, how they work, and what they look like.
Memorial Stationery
As opposed to our Book of Memories, our memorial stationery offerings are tangible pieces that not only add to the funeral service, but are great keepsakes of the memory of your loved one. We have a wide selection of acknowledgment cards, memorial folders, service programs, memorial bookmarks, register books and prayer cards. Our staff can personalize all memorial stationery by adding pictures, emblems, photos, or a piece of design work.
When else can such a small thing—a full color memorial or service folder or personalized prayer card—mean so much? After all, you are giving your funeral guests a tangible way to hold their memories of your loved one close. Memorial stationery can be a continual source of comfort during the weeks, months and years following a funeral service.